Blej Makineri ndërtimi të përdorurar (9 663)
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Makinë larëse me rërë me rrota kovë
ConstmachBucket wheel sand washing machine
Impianti për larjen e zhavorrit (rërës).
ConstmachGravel ( sand ) screening washing plant
+44 20 806 810 84
Thërrmues me goditje me bosht vertikal - VSI 900
Constmach | Stone Crusher ManufacturerVertical shaft impact crusher - VSI 900
Impianti i grumbullimit të betonit kompakt 60 m3/h
Constmach60 m3/h compact concrete batching plant
Zbuloni më shumë makina të përdorura
Impianti i palëvizshëm i përzierjes së betonit 60 m3/h
Constmach60 m3/h stationary concrete mixing plant
Impianti i palëvizshëm i grumbullimit të betonit 160 m³
Constmach160m³ stationary concrete batching plant
Fabrika e lëvizshme dërrmuese 120 TPH
Constmach | Mobile Crusher Manufacturer120 TPH mobile crushing plant
Thërrmues nofullash 60-110 t/h | Thërrmues guri
Constmach | Jaw Crusher Manufacturer60-110 t/h jaw crusher | Stone crusher
Fabrika e lëvizshme dërrmuese 60 TPH
Constmach | Mobile Crusher Manufacturer60 TPH mobile crushing plant
Impianti dërrmues i lëvizshëm me ndikim 80 TPH
Constmach | Mobile Crusher Manufacturer80 TPH mobile impact crushing plant
Impianti i lëvizshëm i shtypjes dhe skanimit 60TH
Constmach | Mobile Crusher ManufacturerMobile crushing and screening plant 60TH
Fabrika e lëvizshme e thërrmimit të gurit gëlqeror 150 TPH
Constmach | Mobile Crusher Manufacturer150 TPH mobile limestone crushing plant
Thërrmues terciar me ndikim (bërës rëre)
Constmach | Stone Crusher ManufacturerTertiary impact crusher ( Sand maker )
Fabrika e thërrmuesit të gurëve 50 deri në 1000 tph
Constmach | Crushing Plant ManufacturerStone crusher plant 50 to 1000 tph
Fabrika e lëvizshme dërrmuese 150 TPH
Constmach | Mobile Crusher Manufacturer150 TPH mobile crushing plant
Fabrika e lëvizshme dërrmuese 250 TPH
Constmach | Mobile Crusher Manufacturer250 TPH mobile crushing plant
VSI-800 Thërrmues me goditje vertikale me bosht
Constmach | Stone Crusher ManufacturerVSI-800 Vertical Shaft Impact Crusher
Thërrmues nofullash 275-790 t/h | Thërrmues guri
Constmach | Stone Crusher Manufacturer275-790 t/h jaw crusher | Stone crusher
Polic me ndikim primar | Thërrmues guri
Constmach | Stone Crusher ManufacturerPrimary impact crusher | Stone crusher
Thërrmues koni | thërrmuesit e gurëve
ConstmachCone crushers | stone crushers
Thërrmues me ndikim dytësor | Thërrmues guri
Constmach | Stone Crusher ManufacturerSecondary impact crusher | Stone crusher
Impianti dërrmues i lëvizshëm me ndikim 120 TPH
Constmach | Mobile Crusher Manufacturer120 TPH mobile impact crushing plant
Impianti terciar i lëvizshëm thërrmues me ndikim
Constmach | Mobile Crusher ManufacturerMobile tertiary impact crushing plant
V90 polic me goditje vertikale me bosht
Constmach | Mobile Crusher ManufacturerV90 mobile vertical shaft impact crusher
Përdorur Makineri ndërtimi (9 663)
Tani kërko Machineseeker plotësisht me më shumë se 200 000 makina të përdorura.+44 20 806 810 84